Friday, November 9, 2012


October was a very fun month, and it started with a camping trip at Village Creek State Park just north of Beaumont.  The campsites were about a 200 yard walk from where you could park, so it was a bit of an effort getting all of our gear to the site, but being away from cars and any kind of noise for a couple of days was so nice.  Camping with a toddler and newborn isn't the easiest thing, but we had a great time and nobody got hurt, except for some chigger bites that Amada and I discovered on just the two of us the last day.

Since it has been a month since I last blogged, there's too much to write about.  I'll let the pictures do most of the talking.  Video links at the bottom.


It got pretty cold at night!  Sunday morning was just over 50 degrees.  We checked on Aiden throughout the night, but both of the kids were just fine -- not a peep out of either until sunrise!

Breakfast taquitos con huevo... yummy!!

This was Michael's "nap"... at least he stayed in the tent for 30 minutes so we could relax for a bit.

Found a walking stick just the right size

Can't have a camping trip without some hobo stew cooked on the coals!

Glow sticks at night

Just before we left the campground, I asked Michael what his favorite thing was on the trip -- he said collecting items in his bucket.

Ahhh the comforts of home


This is two years in a row for Amada's birthday that we forgot to take a family photo until after Michael was in his pj's

Michael entertaining himself while I get breakfast ready one morning

Blue Bird Circle gala -- lucky us!

Over 100 years separates these two!!!

Aiden's first horse ride  :)

5-year-old Alfonso in control of the horse.  Michael is obviously very excited.

Funny boys

This is one of my favorite pictures of all time -- thinking of framing it

Florence Welch has nothing on Michael

Just hiking in the woods

Aiden starting to grab more items

Buddy buddy

Michael at the Little Gym

Aiden's mobile

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